Tutorial 0: UFPS Replacement vp_FP Weapon Reloader Script
Author: Brian A. Ree
1: Introduction and Tutorial Goals
Welcome to our first advanced topics tutorial. You need to have purchased UFPS in order for this short tutorial to be of any use to you. At the time of this writing the current version
is 2017.3.0f3 with UFPS 1.7.1. The goal of this tutorial is to replace the vp_FPWeaponsReloader script with a modified script that supports a few different features. If you've ever noticed the
bug below where the first person character's hand doesn't quite come back up to the weapon this will also rememdy that situation. It will also add a reload empty animation slot and use it accordingly.
2: Using the Replacement Script
Fire up your Unity software and your UFPS scene, this fix is designed for the first person shooter character. Select one of the weapons under your character's camera Game Object and find the vp_FPWeaponReloader
script if you are currently using one. Import the package above and drag and drop the new mmg_vp_FPWeaponReloader script onto the weapon. Make sure the original script
is disabled. Follow the screne shot below to get good default settings. The animation used to reset the hand should be the 'Fire' animation for the weapon you are working with.
The script will force the first frame of the animation to play, thereby resetting the hand to the initial position. For the example below we are using the default assault weapon model,
and as such we've chosen the included 'ReloadEmpty' animation. This animation will play if a reload is triggered when there are no more rounds in the clip, forcing the character
to chamber a new round.
Sometimes the characters hand floats below the gun barrel when using two handed weapons and reloading.
Quick view of the default settings used for assault weapon style gun models.
The video below depicts multiple reloads with no floating hand issues, and an empty reload at the very end demonstrating the implementation of the
drop in replacement script. Enjoy!!