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GetArray() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgContainer
Gets an array representation of the objects in the container.
GetArray() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgMenuContainer
Gets an array of MmgMenuItem objects stored by this container.
GetAt(int) - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgContainer
Returns the MmgObj at the given index.
GetAtFinish() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgPositionTween
GetAtFinish() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgSizeTween
GetAtStart() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgPositionTween
GetAtStart() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgSizeTween
GetBackground() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgGameScreen
Gets the background object for this game screen.
GetBlack() - Static method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgColor
Static helper method returns black.
GetBmpArray() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgSprite
Gets the MmgBmp frames of this class.
GetBmpId() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgBmp
Gets the string form of the id.
GetBmpIdStr() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgBmp
Get the unique id of the bitmap in string form.
GetBottom() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgRect
Gets the Y coordinate bottom.
GetCacheOn() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgPen
Gets the bitmap drawing cache.
GetCacheSize() - Static method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgMediaTracker
GetChange() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgPulse
Gets the rate of change.
GetChanging() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgSizeTween
GetChildAt(int) - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgContainer
Returns the child at the given index.
GetChildPosAbsolute(int) - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgContainer
Returns the absolute position of the child at the given index.
GetChildPosRelative(int) - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgContainer
Returns the relative position of the child at the given index.
GetColor() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgColor
Returns the color of this MmgColor object.
GetColor() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgPen
Gets the color of the drawing pen.
GetContainer() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgContainer
Gets the ArrayList container that holds all child objects.
GetContainer() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgMenuContainer
Gets the ArrayList that contains all the MmgMenuItems.
GetCount() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgContainer
Gets the number of objects in the container.
GetCount() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgMenuContainer
Gets the number of menu items in this container.
GetCurrentFrame() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgSprite
GetDest() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.Mmg9Slice
GetDiffX(MmgRect, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgRect
GetDiffX(int, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgRect
GetDiffY(MmgRect, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgRect
GetDiffY(int, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgRect
GetDirection() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgPulse
Gets the direction of the oscillation.
GetDirStartToFinish() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgPositionTween
GetDirStartToFinish() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgSizeTween
GetDisplayTime() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgSplashScreen
Gets the current display time.
GetDstRect() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgBmp
Gets the destination drawing rectangle.
GetDstRect() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgSprite
Gets the drawing destination rectangle.
GetEventId() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgEvent
Gets the event id.
GetEventPress() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgMenuItem
Gets the press event for this menu item.
GetEventType() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgEvent
Gets the event type.
GetExtra() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgEvent
Gets the payload object.
GetFillAmt() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgLoadingBar
Gets the loading bar fill amount.
GetFillHeight() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgLoadingBar
Gets the fill height of the loading bar.
GetFillWidth() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgLoadingBar
Gets the fill width of the loading bar.
GetFinishPosition() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgPositionTween
GetFinishSize() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgSizeTween
GetFont() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgFont
Gets the font object used to draw text.
GetFontBold() - Static method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgFontData
Gets the bold font.
GetFontItalic() - Static method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgFontData
Gets the italic font.
GetFontNorm() - Static method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgFontData
Gets the normal font.
GetFontSize() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgFont
Gets the size of the font.
GetFontSize() - Static method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgFontData
Gets the font size.
GetFontSize() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgLabelValuePair
Gets the size of the font.
GetFooter() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgGameScreen
Gets the footer object.
GetForeground() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgGameScreen
Gets the foreground object.
GetFrameIdx() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgSprite
Gets the frame index.
GetFrameStart() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgSprite
Gets the frame start index.
GetFrameStop() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgSprite
Gets the frame stop index.
GetGameHeight() - Static method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgScreenData
Gets the game screen height.
GetGameLeft() - Static method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgScreenData
Gets the game left position, X axis.
GetGameTop() - Static method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgScreenData
Gets the game top position, Y axis.
GetGameWidth() - Static method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgScreenData
Gets the game width.
GetGraphics() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgPen
Gets the lower level drawing class.
GetGraphicsColor() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgPen
GetHasParent() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgObj
GetHeader() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgGameScreen
Gets the header object.
GetHeight() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgBmp
Gets the scaled height of the bitmap.
GetHeight() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgMenuItem
Gets the height of the menu item object based on the menu item's current state.
GetHeight() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgObj
Gets the height of this object.
GetHeight() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgPositionTween
GetHeight() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgRect
Gets the height of the rectangle.
GetHeight() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgSizeTween
GetHeightFloat() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgBmp
Gets the scaled height of the bitmap in float form.
GetId(float) - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgBmp
Id helper method, takes rotation into account when making an id.
GetId(MmgVector2) - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgBmp
Id helper method, takes scaling into account when making an id.
GetId(float, MmgVector2) - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgBmp
If helper method, takes rotation, and scaling into account when making an id.
GetId() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgObj
GetId() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgSound
Gets an integer version of the id.
GetIdStr(float) - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgBmp
Returns an id string, used in image caching, based on rotation.
GetIdStr(MmgVector2) - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgBmp
Returns an id string, used in image caching, based on scaling.
GetIdStr(float, MmgVector2) - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgBmp
GetIdStr() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgSound
Gets a string version of the id.
GetImage() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgBmp
Gets the image of this bitmap.
GetInactive() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgMenuItem
Gets the activity flag for this menu item.
GetIsVisible() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgObj
Gets the visibility of this class.
GetLabel() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgLabelValuePair
GetLabelFont() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgLabelValuePair
Gets the font object used to draw text.
GetLabelText() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgLabelValuePair
GetLeft() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgRect
Gets the X coordinate left.
GetLeftCursor() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgGameScreen
Gets the left menu cursor.
GetLoadingBar() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgLoadingScreen
Gets the loading bar object of this class.
GetLoadingBarBack() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgLoadingBar
Gets the loading bar back image.
GetLoadingBarFront() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgLoadingBar
Gets the loading bar front image.
GetLoadingBarOffsetBottom() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgLoadingScreen
Get the loading bar's bottom offset.
GetMenu() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgGameScreen
Gets the MmgMenuContainer object.
GetMenuCursorLeftOffsetX() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgGameScreen
GetMenuCursorLeftOffsetY() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgGameScreen
GetMenuCursorRightOffsetX() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgGameScreen
GetMenuCursorRightOffsetY() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgGameScreen
GetMenuIdx() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgGameScreen
Gets the current menu item index.
GetMenuOn() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgGameScreen
Gets if the menu is on.
GetMenuStart() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgGameScreen
Gets the menu start index.
GetMenuStop() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgGameScreen
Gets the meu stop index.
GetMessage() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgEvent
Gets the event message.
GetMessage() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgGameScreen
Gets the message object.
GetMmgColor() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgObj
Gets the color of this object.
GetMmgFontBold() - Static method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgFontData
Gets the MmgFont for bold text.
GetMmgFontItalic() - Static method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgFontData
Gets the MmgFont for italic text.
GetMmgFontNorm() - Static method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgFontData
Gets the MmgFont for normal text.
GetMmgUpdateHandler() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgGameScreen
Gets a handler for the update event.
GetMoving() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgPositionTween
GetMsPerFrame() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgSprite
Gets the milliseconds per frame.
GetMsStartChange() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgSizeTween
GetMsStartMove() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgPositionTween
GetMsTimeToChange() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgSizeTween
GetMsTimeToMove() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgPositionTween
GetName() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgObj
GetNormal() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgMenuItem
Gets the object to draw in the normal state.
GetObjects() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgGameScreen
Gets the object container for this game screen.
GetOffset() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.Mmg9Slice
GetOnFrameChange() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgSprite
GetOnReachFinish() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgPositionTween
GetOnReachFinish() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgSizeTween
GetOnReachStart() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgPositionTween
GetOnReachStart() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgSizeTween
GetOrigin() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgBmp
Gets the origin used in drawing the bitmap.
GetOrigin() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgSprite
Gets the drawing origin vector.
GetOriginVec() - Static method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgVector2
Returns a new copy of the origin vector, (0, 0).
GetPaddingX() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgLabelValuePair
GetPaddingX() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgLoadingBar
Gets the padding X value.
GetPaddingY() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgLoadingBar
Gets the padding Y value.
GetParent() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgObj
GetParentEventHandler() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgEvent
Gets the parent event handler.
GetPixelDistToMove() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgPositionTween
GetPixelSizeToChange() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgSizeTween
GetPixelsPerMsToChangeX() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgSizeTween
GetPixelsPerMsToChangeY() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgSizeTween
GetPixelsPerMsToMoveX() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgPositionTween
GetPixelsPerMsToMoveY() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgPositionTween
GetPosition() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgObj
Gets the position of this object.
GetPosition() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgPositionTween
GetPosition() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgRect
Gets the position of the rectangle.
GetPosition() - Static method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgScreenData
Gets the position vector.
GetPosition() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgSizeTween
GetPrevEvent() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgEvent
Gets the previous event in the event sequence.
GetRect() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgRect
Gets the underlying rectangle object.
GetRight() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgRect
Gets the X coordinate right.
GetRightCursor() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgGameScreen
Gets the right menu cursor.
GetRotation() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgBmp
Gets the rotation of the bitmap.
GetRotation() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgSprite
Gets the rotation of the sprite.
GetScale() - Static method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgScreenData
Gets the scale vector.
GetScaledHeight() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgBmp
Gets the scaled height of this bitmap.
GetScaledWidth() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgBmp
Gets the scaled width of the bitmap.
GetScaleX() - Static method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgScreenData
Gets scale X.
GetScaleXOn() - Static method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgScreenData
Gets if scale X is on.
GetScaleY() - Static method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgScreenData
Gets scale Y.
GetScaleYOn() - Static method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgScreenData
Gets if scale Y is on.
GetScaling() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgBmp
Gets the scaling value used to scale the bitmap.
GetScaling() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgSprite
Gets the drawing scaling vector.
GetScreenHeight() - Static method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgScreenData
Gets the screen height.
GetScreenWidth() - Static method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgScreenData
Gets the screen width.
GetSelected() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgMenuItem
Gets the object to draw in the selected state.
GetSimpleRendering() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgSprite
GetSound() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgSound
Gets the low level Clip object.
GetSpriteBatch() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgPen
Gets the lower level drawing class.
GetSrc() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.Mmg9Slice
GetSrcRect() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgBmp
Gets the source drawing rectangle of this bitmap.
GetSrcRect() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgSprite
Gets the drawing source rectangle.
GetStartPosition() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgPositionTween
GetStartSize() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgSizeTween
GetState() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgMenuItem
Gets the current state of the menu item.
GetSubj() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgPositionTween
GetSubj() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgSizeTween
GetTargetEventHandler() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgEvent
Gets the target event handler.
GetTargetPixelHeight() - Static method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgFontData
Gets the target pixel height.
GetTargetPixelHeightScaled() - Static method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgFontData
Gets the target pixel height scaled.
GetText() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgFont
Gets the text for this object.
GetTexture2D() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgBmp
Returns the image of this bitmap.
GetTimeFlip() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgPulse
Gets the oscillation time flip for this object.
GetTimeStart() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgPulse
Gets the oscillation start time.
GetTimeTotal() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgPulse
Gets the total oscillation time.
GetTop() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgRect
Gets the Y coordinate top.
GetUnitRect() - Static method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgRect
GetUnitVec() - Static method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgVector2
Returns a new copy of the unit vector, (1, 1).
GetUnscaledHeight() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgBmp
Gets the un-scaled, original height of the bitmap.
GetUnscaledWidth() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgBmp
Gets the un-scaled, original width of the bitmap.
GetValue() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgLabelValuePair
GetValue(String) - Static method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgMediaTracker
Gets the value of the image cache entry for the given key.
GetValueFont() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgLabelValuePair
GetValueText() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgLabelValuePair
GetVector() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgVector2
Gets the vector values.
GetVersion() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgObj
Gets the API version number.
GetWhite() - Static method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgColor
Static helper method returns white.
GetWidth() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgBmp
Gets the scaled width of the bitmap.
GetWidth() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgMenuItem
Gets the width of the menu item object based on the menu item's current state.
GetWidth() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgObj
Gets the width of this object.
GetWidth() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgPositionTween
GetWidth() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgRect
Gets the width of the rectangle.
GetWidth() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgSizeTween
GetWidthFloat() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgBmp
Gets the scaled width of the bitmap in float form.
GetX() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgObj
Gets the X coordinate of this object.
GetX() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgVector2
Gets the X value of the vector.
GetXDouble() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgVector2
Gets the X value of the vector.
GetXFloat() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgVector2
Gets the X value of the vector.
GetY() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgObj
Gets the Y coordinate of this object.
GetY() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgVector2
Gets the Y value of the vector.
GetYDouble() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgVector2
Gets the Y value of the vector.
GetYFloat() - Method in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgVector2
Gets the Y value of the vector.
GRAPHICS_CONFIG - Static variable in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.Mmg9Slice
GRAPHICS_CONFIG - Static variable in class net.middlemind.MmgGameApiJava.MmgBase.MmgBmpScaler
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